Counselling & Therapy Services in Nanaimo, BC

Heart-centered counselling services for those committed to growth with Faye Shedletzky.

Faye Shedletzky at Align Within Therapy in Nanaimo, BC, Canada

I offer one-on-one counselling & therapy services, both online from anywhere in British Columbia, and in-person from my office in Nanaimo, BC.

Primarily working from an Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy perspective, I provide IFS counselling for people who identify as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) those looking for counselling services for anxiety, and relationship & couples counselling.

Additionally, I am a Certified Intuitive Eating counsellor, providing services aligned with Health At Every Size (HAES) principles. I feel strongly about cultivating a space free from weight and body size stigma, where we can create space from diet culture and internalized oppression.

As a member of the LGBTQ community, I also offer an understanding space for LGBTQ counselling.

As humans, we thrive in connection. Having followed a path of self-discovery through Gestalt, Internal Family Systems, Somatic and Embodied practices, I want to share the healing modalities that have brought me clarity, freedom and joy.


This is brave work. In counselling, you and I co-create a space where you can listen to and understand your full self. When the parts of you that have suffered are heard and loved, they will transform. 

I look forward to walking with you on your journey home.

Our Heart-centered Counselling & Therapy Modalities

With training in numerous therapy modalities and experience working with a wide range of communities, Align Within proudly offers the following specialized counselling and therapy services. Our services are available both in-clinic in Nanaimo, BC, & online across British Columbia.




Being in the here and now with you means that I am a person who is IN the experience with you. Not an observer, or an expert who gives you advice.

I won't ask you to spend lots of time talking about stories from the past, as being in storyteller mode keeps you distant from how the past is impacting you in the moment. We will deal with challenges and trauma from the past, but will concentrate on how the fallout from these experiences is affecting you now.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy

It is in the moments when we show up and are seen by each other that healing can happen.

The counselling relationship offers connection and space where you can be heard, and — more importantly — hear yourself while you are reflected and witnessed by another. Together we figure out what you need to feel safe, so that you can find the strength and courage to be a witness to your own emotions.


Somatic and Embodied Practices

In my training, I learned to attune to my body sensations and signals. I rely on this information as a resource as we work together.

I pay attention to communication from your body too: your posture, gestures, and breathing are just as important as your words and your beliefs. Your body is a gateway to your emotions, memories, and past and an important intelligent source of information.

Meet Faye

Hi! I'm Faye Shedletzky. Working out of my clinic in Nanaimo, BC, my life’s work has been about finding my own voice.  Having followed a path of self-discovery I have become trained as a Gestalt therapist, an Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapist, and a Certified Intuitive Eating counsellor. I enjoy sharing the healing modalities that have brought me clarity, freedom, and joy.




We Offer Our Services In-Person in Nanaimo & Online Throughout British Columbia

Align Within proudly offers our counselling and therapy services both from our clinic in Nanaimo, BC, as well as online across British Columbia.

It's easy to be disconnected and discouraged in a world that encourages conformity, comparison with others, and prioritizes our heads over our hearts. We are socialized to give away our power to external authorities, with daily messages telling us who and how we should be.  It seems normal these days to be anxious and overwhelmed; to be judgemental and critical of yourself and others. 

You are not broken, you have just lost connection with who you are.   

What if all parts of you made sense?  What if your emotions are sending  important messages to you?  What if you could tell the truth of your desires to yourself?  What if you could regularly shift from states of internal storms to calm and balance?

We all have different parts of ourselves, and though they may feel conflicting, they all have something to teach us. I encourage people to turn towards those parts and find connection with your true Self.  When you cultivate curiosity and compassion towards yourself, you will be surprised at the answers you find.  And when you feel aligned within yourself, you will feel more capable, harmonious and at ease.   

I help you to re-write the story that you tell about yourself:  to you and to others. 

I believe you are already perfect, beautiful and whole.  And that peace and happiness are accessible to each of us. 

What My Peers Say...

Faye is a conscientious, compassionate and experienced practitioner that meets you where you are at and works from a holistic perspective. I highly recommend working with her!


I have had the privilege of doing inner emotional work with Faye.  She is a gifted, intuitive guide who helps me sort my feelings.  Sacred listening is always evident as she skillfully supports me to follow a strand of energy I would otherwise have missed.  Faye has a wealth of tools in her tool belt including Tapping (EFT), Family Systems and much more. 

I am so grateful for her inner wisdom.

Faye's gentle nature is so appreciated as she invites me to be curious about the feelings that show up.  I trust her implicitly.  I feel blessed and empowered after a session with Faye.  I am so grateful for every opportunity to work with her.  She is a exceptional guide.  I highly recommend her to any one ready to do their inner healing work.


I am privileged to have known Faye Shedletzky for about 10 years and can witness to her beautiful Spirit and the extraordinary way she deeply connects with people.  She seems to know how to get right to the heart of what me or others are trying to express, and connects so beautifully with Love, unconditional acceptance, and deep wisdom.


There is something about Faye, a kind of purity of heart, that never fails to stir greater kindness in me, and which stays with me long after we have talked.

I am a better person through knowing Faye.


Faye has such a beautiful capacity to hold space in a grounded and caring way. She is understanding and wise, and can make sense of how things fit into the big picture. She also walks her talk. I appreciate being able to trust and rely on Faye as a competent, kind, and authentic professional!


Change begins with awareness. And curiosity. When you have curiosity you can know yourself. This is where your healing begins.   

We each have the capacity to tune into our wisdom and know what is best for us. You have a core essence – we all do.  You might call it your higher Self, your wiser Self or just “You”. The “You” that knows when something you hear is true. When you tap into this inner resource you have a super-highway to an endless source of support. You can offer yourself the secure attachment you have been searching for. You can find your way back to a life of connection, beauty, meaning and purpose.  

Courage is essential, too.  When you lean into discomfort instead of pushing it away, you will grow.  When you can be with all your emotions — the scared and angry parts, and the parts that have suffered — joy, gratitude, appreciation, awe, love and possibility will be there for you in equal measure.  

This is brave work. As humans, we thrive in connection. In counselling, you and I co-create a space where you can listen to and understand ALL of “you”. When the parts of you that have suffered are heard and loved, they will transform. 

I look forward to walking with you on your journey home to your Self. 


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